Click Below to link to your Vacation Express Online Booking Engine

You must register to book with this booking engine.
If you have not registered yet, please click here to register.

You must fill out a CBS Form on all reservations to receive your commissions

Below is your Vacation Express Booking Engine:

You must fill out a CBS Form on all reservations to receive your commissions

Vacation Express makes available a lot of GREAT DEALS on properties and they pay 14% in commissions
on the land portion when booked online (12% when booked over the phone) and 3% on the air portion.
(2/3 of the commissions will be deposited into your iClub BIZ eWallet and 25% of the commissions is converted to BV and added to the Pay Leg of your Binary for Team Commissions.)

Make sure you bookmark your booking engine
and write down your login credentials as soon as you receive them from Vacation Express.

As a Personal Travel Agent you can only book travel for yourself on this booking engine.

Exclusive VIP Reservations - 866.790.1788
M-F 8:30a-7p Sat 10a-4p Sun 11a-4p

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